Ion Protocol
Ion Protocol is a decentralized money market purpose-built for all types of staked and restaked assets. Ion protocol unlocks capital efficiency for yield-bearing staking collaterals using reactive interest rates, collateral-specific utilization, and price-agnostic liquidations. Borrowers can collateralize their yield-bearing staking assets to borrow WETH, and lenders can gain exposure to the boosted staking yield generated by borrower collateral.
To learn more about Ion Protocol without code, please visit:
To learn more about the protocol's technical details, please visit:
Please report any white hat findings for potential vulnerabilities to security@molecularlabs.io
OpenZeppelin Audit December 2023
Regular Audit and Formal Verification Competition with Certora
[Competition Completed]
To engage in conversations around Ion Protocol and the staking/restaking ecosystem, please join the Discord channel or follow @ionprotocol on X.
Installing Dependencies
Install Bun
Run Bun install for javascript dependencies
Install jq
Environmental Variables
Copy .env.example to .env and add environmental variables.
The test suite includes fork tests that require foundry ffi.
Add RPC_URLs to the .env and run forge test with the --ffi flag.
Testnet Setup
Set up anvil as a mainnet fork.
For the contracts using mainnet contract addresses as constants to work properly, the testnet needs to be a fork of a mainnet environment.
Set anvil as the target RPC for the deployment script in
Run the testnet deployment script
Run the foundry script to verify that the contracts are working properly.